Making Sense of the Bible (When It Doesn’t Make Sense)

Join the Saturday Morning Bible Study for a series entitled, “Making Sense of the Bible (When It Doesn’t Make Sense)” led by Scott Smith, a retired American Baptist pastor.

Meetings are conducted on Zoom every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Contact the church office for information about how to get connected.

The Bible is a collection of widely varying literary genres written and compiled over the span of centuries and making sense of it is anything but straightforward and simple. In this study, we will look at some of the more challenging passages and themes of the Bible with the goal of gaining fresh insight into their meaning and significance. Some of the passages we will be looking at the are the creation accounts, the story of Abraham binding Isaac for sacrifice, the Mosaic law and the book of Revelation. We will also look at some broader themes like atonement and human sexuality. In this brief study, the goal is not to answer every possible question of interpretation but rather to discover new ways of tackling the not so straightforward work of biblical interpretation.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Saturday Morning Bible Study!